So, you have a website on Blogger that you have had for years now and it is filled with hundreds upon hundreds of posts, and you want to go back and optimize them. Well, there are some important notes I want to address before you begin doing this so let's start there.
Before you go back to old posts to begin optimizing them you need to ask yourself what is the content that is doing very well and what is underperforming if there are some posts on your website that are generating barely any traffic at all then you will want to ask yourself why that is and then let's look at what can be done to optimize them.
1. First Make Sure The Post Is Not Riddled With Spelling Errors & Grammatical Mistakes
This is a common issue with new writers, their older blog posts are riddled with common spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes because when you begin writing your likely doing it for the intention of getting content out there quickly. Because of this, you're more likely than not to generate many errors in your posts and this is a contributing factor in ranking believe it or not. Google is no linguist but if the post is riddled with broken English and is barely understandable no one will want to read it.
So clean up your old posts Blogger, has a built-in spell checker and I highly recommend you make use of it, additionally, pay attention to warnings in your browser as most browsers come with spell check built into them.
2. Work On That Internal Link Structure
Again this is a common theme on SEO Knights, we put a lot of focus on your internal link structure as it is one of the primary things that can affect your on-page SEO in a very noticeable manner. Additionally, by linking to other posts, you can increase your page views and thus increase your Adsense revenue, sales, or conversions.
Over the years your website's structure has changed so make sure it still has proper labels and that you are linking out to other pages on your website.
3. Link Back To Your Older Posts
This is something that is often time forgotten with really old posts so long as the content is still up to date and accurate you should be linking back to it from newer posts. This makes readers who are likely to never stumble upon the older posts more likely to go back and read what you had written. By linking back to it you're bringing attention to content that is still relevant and useful even though its buried under years of work on your website.
4. If Need Be Rewrite The Post
If the post contains content that is simply wrong, outdated or just bad then you should go back and rewrite it as opposed to creating a brand new page. When you create a new page you're trying to have that new URL rank in Google and ruin any of the potentials that older post had in terms of backlinks and shares.
So if the content needs to be rewritten, rewrite it and push it to show up on the homepage of your website and make green again. When we say make it green again we mean to give it life again and put it back out there for your reader base so it looks like new.
5. Add Relevant Images, Videos & Other Media Sources
Depending on the age of the post you might not have had any images, videos, or anything graphical to help your users understand what they were reading. Not only are posts that contain media more likely to get shared but they also, tend to rank better as they can also rank in Google's Image Search.
Properly optimizing your images for Google can be a traffic source that you have not previously explored and therefore its worth adding media (especially newer or updated images that look fresh).
Final Notes
If you have old content don't let it rot if you can help it, and make it feel part of your website there are certain types of content (news posts mostly) that will rot but if you have a tutorial similar to this post go ahead and make it feel new again. Keeping old content up is not exciting but when you have a lot of new content refreshing older content can be just as effective and a lot of the work is already done.
5 Ways To Optimize Your Existing Blog Posts On Blogger For SEO
Reviewed by Unknown
3:00 PM

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